Friday, September 30, 2011

12 Tips To Help You Lose Weight Healthily

In our modern world, people constantly seek for instant
gratification and they want instant results.
When there is a demand, there will be people rushing to provide it.
So here comes the fast food restaurants, processed food
that can be cook quickly and canned drinks that contains huge amount of sugar.
All the quick fixes that people want can be found easily but the question is,
do the quick fix really help us?
There is also a huge shift in lifestyle, we are getting more stationary
and not getting enough physical activities.
How many of us are guilty of spending hours on the couch watching TV
or sitting in front of the computer for hours?
sitting too long
We can see that the lifestyle and food we are having now
is the cause of the increasing obesity rate.
First of all, if you are in the acceptable weight range,
give yourself a pat on the back and keep up the good work,
and for those who think that they need some work out done
and they need reasons for them to get into a good shape,
here are 3 good reasons.
Do you want to move freely without lugging around the excess weight
that make dread taking another step?
Do you want to have a better self image?
Do you want to be more healthy and be free of diseases?
I can come out with much more benefits and I believe you can think of
a lot more if you spend some time on it.
Tips To Help You
I had seen ads that says lose weight quickly or some quick fix diets
that are probably made to cater to the “quick fix hungry” people
but I do not agree with the methods of quick
fix diet or lose weight quickly in a short amount of time
because I believe that those are not sustainable methods
and can be damaging to your health.
How many times had you see people go into some quick fix diet
just to lose a few pounds and gain back double?
Here are some  tips that will help you lose weight healthily,
tone your body and sculpt your figure to your liking .
It does take some work and sacrifice, but you'll feel
so much better about yourself.
1) Eliminate White Starches from Your Diet
White rice is produced by removing nutrients from brown rice.
Some diets are just too complicated to follow.
They involve counting calories, weighing food
and subscribing to home-delivered healthy meals.
Simply avoiding all white starches, like
white bread, white rice and pasta, potatoes and sugar
will help you to lose weight immediately and easily.
White starches have a high glycemic index, which means
they convert to sugar more readily in your body,
which turns into fat. They stimulate more insulin production
and keep fat around your belly, the worst place
for bathing suits and the health of your heart!
Stop eating food in boxes or can
2) Eat whole food

Basically food like noodles, bread or flour are not natural food.
These food tend to cause your sugar level to spike
and fluctuate greatly. When your sugar level spiked
or fluctuate greatly, you tend to go hungry easier
and there is a greater tendency for you to snack.
Eating whole food like brown rice, fruits or vegetables
with high fiber can help you to feel full
for a longer period of time.
This equals to less snacking and less calories.
3)Stop eating food in boxes or can
Go to your kitchen and see the amount of food
that are packed in boxes or cans.
Pepperoni Pizza

Most of these food are either highly processed or huge amount
of sugar were added into it.
By cutting back on these food, you can cut away lots of
unnecessary calories from your diet.
4)Do not skip meals
Whenever you skip a meal, did you notice that you
will binge eat on the next meal? When you start to binge eat,
you will add a whole lot of extra calories to your diet.
Keep to your meal plan and you will eat
a more constant amount on every meal.
5)Have an adequate amount of fats in your diet
Pome Granate, avocado, egg, radish, nut, tomatoes isolated on white background Stock Photo - 11781093
Stop! Do not go grab the bacon now. When I mentioned fats,
I mean healthy fats such as nuts, eggs, seeds or avocados.
Denying yourself of fats will affect your hormone level
which will cause you to have a stronger urge of craving.
6)Have healthy proteins
photograph of high protein foods.
Having good healthy proteins such as chicken or fish.
if you are vegetarian, mushrooms does the job too.
Protein has a high thermic effect that will help your body
to burn more calories to break down the protein
into smaller amino acids and it will also help to keep you full
longer than carbohydrates. Protein is needed for building muscles
which also contributes to increasing your metabolism rate.
7)Chew your food
I personally love this tip. I did a small trial
during one of my dinner where I had only a small amount of food
but I chewed 30 times before swallowing the food.
Not only I feel full, I was also too tired to eat anymore.
This is definitely a great way to control the amount of food
you are eating. I don’t recommend you to chew 30 times
before swallowing because it can get a bit tiring.
Start with 20 chews instead. The result will be great.
8) Remove sugary drinks
Are you guilty of drinking so much fizzy drinks, coffee or tea
and then you ask yourself why you always fail to lose weight?
Sugary drinks contain lots of sugar which will cause
your blood sugar level to spike and thus stopping the production
of a hormone call glucagon which helps to utilize fat as energy.
9) Drink Water, Not Diet Soda
women water 10 Women struggling to drink water (17 Photos)
Drink plain water instead, no calories or sugar added,
the perfect drink for a perfect health.
Proper hydration is a weight-loss pearl that many people forget.
Drinking lots of water increases your energy level,
making it easier to stay active and exercise regularly.
Our body's metabolism is boosted by water intake
because it works harder to raise the temperature
of the water imbibed. Muscle tissue contains
approximately 75 percent water, and adequate hydration
helps maintain muscle tone, which increases
the body's fat burning capacity.
I and other physicians recommend drinking at least
in hotter or drier weather or when exercising.
Tips to stay hydrated include keeping a bottle of water
at bedside and at your desk at work, and be sure
to drink water at every meal.
Recent studies have demonstrated that drinking diet soda
actually causes a wider waist in humans
because it can increase your appetite.
Aspartame, the artificial sweetener in diet soda,
was shown  to raise the blood sugar in mice prone to diabetes.
So stick to water while dieting to achieve maximum effects of hydration.
10) Aerobic and Weight Training at Least Four Times Per Week

The little secret about weight loss is simple: Burn more calories
than you eat and the fat will be shed!
Exercising is definitely a good habit that you want to pick up.
It keeps your mind fresh and help to shed some pounds.
Find a sports that you like so that you can keep at it for long term.
Find a buddy if possible, both of you can help to encourage each other
along the way.
Aerobic exercise is only effective if you are working
hard enough to sweat and increase your heart rate (pulse)
to work hard enough to burn fat.
The fat-burning zone is the zone at which you are doing
enough work to burn fat, and this is related to your heart rate
or pulse while exercising. The fat burning zone formula is the following:
Fat burning zone = 220 - (your age) x (.75)
The result of this formula tells you approximately how fast
your heart must beat during the exercise period to burn fat.
Yes, that means getting out there and sweating and working hard
for at least 30-45 minutes, four times a week.
To help you endure the pain, try exercising while watching
your favorite movie or sporting event.
Compile several "workout playlists" on your MP3 player,
consisting of your favorite upbeat music.
The fervent beat will provide a nice cadence to your run
or powerwalk and help you forget your misery.
I am not recommending spot training, as I do not think it works.
Rather, exercise large and small muscle groups to tone the body
and contribute to overall weight loss.
Circuit training is an effective tool that combines weight training
with aerobic benefits.
11) Avoid Stress
Stress and Your Diet
Stress contributes to weight gain in various ways.
It causes the release of the hormone cortisol, which can slow metabolism
and alter blood sugar levels. It can cause unhealthy food cravings
for sugar or carbohydrates. During times of particularly high stress,
people eat in an attempt to fulfill emotional needs.
If you are tempted to eat when you're not hungry, find a distraction.
Do not skip meals, especially breakfast.
Identify comfort foods and keep them out of your home or office.
Practice relaxation skills such as yoga, massage, dance or exercise.
Get adequate sleep and welcome encouragement
and support from friends and family.
12) Be Realistic
The Importance of Setting Realistic Fitness Goals
Always  seeking weight loss with realistic expectations.
Be happy with your result and don`t expect too much.
Set realistic goals for yourself so you will not be disappointed
and will stick to the program. Understand that your age, genetics,
schedule, home life and overall outlook all contribute to your
outer appearance, and learn to be happy with what you have.
You do not need to make a drastic change to your lifestyle in a shot.
You can start by cutting down the amount of junk food you eat
and slowly add in healthier eating habits, food and exercises
into your lifestyle. Good luck with your weight loss journey
and I hope I can hear some success stories from my readers.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Hated Cellulite Cure that Realy Works

Cellulite is not a medical condition
or an aesthetic mutiny perpetrated by your thighs.
It’s just excess fat that we’ve relegated as unsightly.
Not all women have cellulite.
All women of course have fat, but cellulite
is simply excess fat bursting through the connective tissues
holding the fat layer in place.
There is  a three-step remedy for cellulite which follows:
1. Eat a macronutrient rich diet that maintains your ideal body weight;
2. Exercise at least 60 minutes daily
to promote circulation and increase the skin’s elasticity and tone; and
3. Do resistance training to increase muscle size, boost fat metabolism,
and increase structural support for the skin’s fat layer.
I assure you that women who pose as models for cellulite creams
and services already do these things.
So how do women in the advertisements for cellulite creams get rid
of their cellulite? Not by using a cream, of course.
One may answer that Adobe Photoshop editing cleverly erases
the smiling fat dimples. That’s not always the case.
Women can and do shrink their cellulite bubbles
using a sensible diet and exercise program.
1. Eating to eliminate cellulite
Enjoy five to six meals/snacks a day.
Frequent eating keeps the blood sugar level balanced
so that your body does not resort to fat storage.
This predictable food intake also keeps the metabolism burning calories
at a consistent rate.
2. Strategic exercising for cellulite elimination.
A study issued by the National Academies’ Institute of Medicine
recommends an hour of cumulative exercise each day
to maintain a healthy weight.
Cellulite is an aesthetic issue and not a grave health threat.
So while climbing the stairs here, and washing the car there,
may help your heart, it does nothing for cellulite.
If you want to get rid of cellulite,
you need to exercise for at least 45 to 60 minutes consistently
to reap the fat burning benefits.
Yet, you need not exhaust yourself.
Make your body tingle with energy
Just try walking briskly at a rate fast enough
to make your thighs and rear-end tingle.
That way, you know you are stimulating the fat
while simultaneously massaging the skin.
Moreover, you are raising your external body temperature.
You can spend $100s of dollars at a spa trying to get the same effect
in some body wrap or massage machine.
Spare yourself the hassle and get real results from the gym or on the trail.
3. Make the most of weight training
The most ridiculous fear that arises from women
when I suggest weight training is the unfounded cry,
“But I don’t want to get bulky and muscular!”
Too many women in the gym today are hardly in any danger
of developing muscle simply because they are not properly training
or eating to gain muscle.
The only way to get “bulky” with muscle is to consistently train for
years lifting heavy weights and eating a generally bland diet
that’s rich in protein. With that, it’s critical to make
the most of your muscle training minutes in the gym.
Granted the variety of weight lifting techniques remains endless,
here’s some basic steps for increasing your muscle mass:
Eat before lifting
Eat at least 45 minutes before lifting weights.
While, your stomach should not fill bloated with food,
having some nutrients in your stomach will ensure
that you have enough energy to actually lift the weight
and perform enough repetitions to promote muscle growth.
Lift enough weight to feel your muscle burn after 8-10 repetitions.
The whole point of lifting weights is to tear down the muscle you have
so that it will repair itself and grow back stronger and more plentiful.
If you are not burning, it’s likely that you are not breaking down muscle.
Refuel your muscles with protein and carbohydrates
immediately after lifting weights.
Professional bodybuilders strategically plan their day
to ensure that they get their protein within at most 45 minutes
after having lifted weights. This is because the muscle needs fuel
to repair itself. If you skip feeding a repairing muscle,
it will not grow, or at best you’ll reap minimal results.
Moreover, a resent study published in the International Journal
of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism
confirmed that after resistance training, a meal containing protein
and carbohydrates produced more muscle growth
than a meal consisting purely of carbohydrates.
Consistent dieting habits, exercising and resistance training
effectively eliminate cellulite.
This three-tiered strategy reduces excess fat
and tones the skin- collectively revealing a smooth, bump-free backside.
Though you may hate the method, it produces visible results
four to six weeks with regular usage.

For more information click here;

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Cacao Controversy - with David Wolfe

The Chocolate Video EVERYONE Must See...
There is a LOT of controversy surrounding raw chocolate (cacao).
And the controversy isn't so much about the benefits of cacao
(we all know it's amazing for your body),
but it's about WHERE the cacao comes from and
WHO it is that oversees the harvesting and production.
In this short video, is reveal the first criteria
every cacao product must adhere to... or you  won't eat it!
In fact, the best evidence of truly exceptional cacao
lies in it's taste and how it makes you feel when you ingest it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A look at Weight Loss Infomercials

Prevent cancer

Only in America could billions of dollars by selling weight loss
for people who need to make some extra pounds.
In a world full of starving people, Americans seem
to have emerged as a nation of overeating, exercise fatties
can not leave the bag of chips, stop eating ice cream
or refuse that second (or third?) To help pasta.
U. S. Problem solved historically weight by eating less
and exercising more now had proliferated
a dizzying array of products.
Celebrities, nutritionists, doctors, herbalists, suppliers
and former fatties have come to thousands of products
designed to melt fat, reduce cravings for bad foods,
block carbohydrates, sugar and fat,
lose weight while you sleep, and much more ..
Many argue that the products, as long as you are taking any pills,
you can eat what you want and lose weight.
There are diet plans, calorie counters, diet food cooked
and delivered to your door every day, dance and walk
on the path to weight loss, weight loss hula,
the weight loss program in Brazil , fat burning, belly reducing,
balanced woman, unbalanced woman.
Whatever weight loss infomercial.
In fact, weight loss programs
other fitness programs and equipment, which can lead to weight loss
but are sold as a way to improve your appearance)
account for over 50% all income generated in the business today.
One of the weight loss infomercials ever produced a more successful
product called Bio Slim introduced.
Created by Dr. Josh Leightberg, Bio Slim was a science-based,
medical sound program consisting of several herbal pills which when
combined with diet also created by Dr. Leightberg resulted in
metabolic changes an improved digestive system
and a strong anti-immune system, which eventually led to
a steady weight loss and healthy.
After the success of Bio Slim, a steady stream of niche players,
artists and entrepreneurs have taken the imitation in the airways
with his touch, his hook, their product designed to produce
quick results easier. One was the popular and successful diet
Fen-Phen, which was a combination of two herbs known to doctors
and other professionals in the industry as herbal speed.
Although it is still legal at the time, the pill has killed
the appetite completely, created a state of euphoria
in the user and led to many problems, including heart attacks
which led the FDA to ban the main substances of use in the United States.
Weight loss infomercials are so powerful and successful
you have to ensure that the products you select for your use.
As with anything else in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
There really is no magic pill or substance that will allow you
to sit on the couch and eat huge amounts of bad food
and make you lose weight without paying some kind of terrible price.
I mention Bio Slim as an example of a stellar product
designed by a professional doctor whose goal was to improve
people's lives and make money.
You can call a number given to any person who ordered Bio Slim
and speak directly with Dr. Leightberg if you have any questions
or concerns about your product.
That should tell you something about the man and the product
that you put your name on.
Another thing to consider in advertisements are weight loss supplements.
Popular diets like the Atkins diet, which were not sold on infomercials,
but became successful through book sales, interviews
and word of mouth led to the creation of a range of products
need not be designed to help you stay on or perform better
while on the Atkins diet.
Foods low in carbohydrates and low / no carb candy imitations,
sometimes ten times more expensive than their higher-carb,
flooded the airwaves. Pills to reduce the difficulties associated
with the Atkins diet appeared in commercials.
These are usually designed by people under the age of professionals
seeking to capitalize on a fad that had nothing to do with first.
Info provides detailed information on exercise, weight loss,
real estate, and makeup infomercials and direct response (DRTV).
Infomercials Info is affiliated with Business Plans Growthink .
For more information click here

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lose Weight without Feeling Hungry

“I need to lose weight but I’m sick of feeling hungry all the time,”
is a common statement made by individuals who follow fly-by-night diets.
If your diet leaves your stomach rumbling every hour on the hour,
it’s time to make a change.
I used to think that losing weight meant starving.
It took me a while to accept the fact that
I could actually eat heartily and still drop weight.
The time I spent starving in the name of losing weight
was miserable. When I did manage to shed a few pounds,
I would gain it all back in a matter of weeks.
Sometimes I’d even gain a few extra pounds.
Talk about depressing!
What I learned through years of research (and trial and error)
is that when you follow a healthy eating plan,
you can chow down until you’re full, and still see
amazing weight loss results.
What Are Healthy Foods?
Healthy foods are not created in a factory of processed to death.
If the food is dried, canned, frozen or filled with ingredients
you can’t pronounce,stay away from it.
Examples of healthy foods include fresh fish,
naturally raised meats, legumes,
seeds, organic poultry, organic whole eggs, raw nuts,
and fresh fruit and vegetables.
How to Make Healthy Meals More Filling
There’s nothing more dismal than dealing with hunger pangs all day.
If your meals aren’t satisfying you, this is exactly
what’s going to happen.
Here are some tricks to make your meals more filling:
Add a source of quality protein and a source healthy fat (yes, fat)
to each of your meals.
Doing this makes meals more satiating and curbs hunger.
Sources of healthy protein include natural meats, organic whole eggs,
organic poultry and fish.
Sources of healthy fat include avocados, fish, beans, raw nuts,
coconut oil and olive oil.
Load your plate with veggies.
It helps to divide your plate into three sections
and fill the larger section with veggies.
Leave the other two sections for meat and other foods.
Veggies are full of fiber, so they expand in the stomach,
digest slowly and keep you full longer.
Drink a glass of water before each meal and throughout the day.
This will help you feel full faster and reduce hunger.
Examples of Healthy, Filling Meals and Snacks
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, 1/3 cup of oatmeal with cinnamon and a small pear.
Snack: 1 medium apple, 1 cup of cucumber slices and 1 oz of raw nuts.
Lunch: 4 oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice, 8 oz carrot sticks,
and a small green salad with vinegar and olive oil dressing.
Snack: 2 tablespoons of almond butter, 2 slices of rye crisp bread
and 8 oz of celery sticks.
Dinner: 5 oz broiled halibut steak, 1/2 cup of green beans sautéed in garlic,
small baked sweet potato and a small green salad
with apple cider vinegar and olive oil dressing.
Diet plans that leave you hungry all the time
(or even some of the time) are evil.
Why not scrap the diet altogether and eat healthy instead?
If you do it this way, you can eat delicious,
filling foods and still lose weight.
Enough with the yo-yo dieting!