Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mindless Eating Your Way to Better Health

Why We Eat More Than We Think.

I tell people almost every day to take their time losing weight
because that’s the only way most people will be successful.
I tell them not to bite off more than they can chew, because
the only diet and exercise plan that will work is one you’re
willing  and able to stick with. My sense is that many don’t listen.
They’re in a hurry to slim down,and soon relapse and regain
the weight they lost and often more.
The best plan is to reduce calorie intake slightly
and increase activity level slightly.
Do it correctly, and you won’t notice, but your fat cells will.
The best diet is the one you don’t know you’re on.
If you’re surprised every time you step on the scale,
you may be eating more than you think.
Dr. Oz reveals the top 5 mindless eating habits
that are making you gain weight
and what you can do to break them.
Every day, you make decisions about what to eat
and when to eat.Yet most you are completely in the dark
about what influences how much you choose to eat.
To some degree, everyone is guilty of unhealthy mindless eating,
which is triggered by hidden cues that persuade us to overeat.
By increasing your awareness of certain seemingly innocent triggers,
you can become a healthy mindful eater and stop consuming
unnecessary calories that add up to unwanted pounds.
Here, in descending order, are the top 5 habits that are making
you fat and how to break them.
The Top 5 Habits Making You Fat
5. You’re a Low-fat Label Lover
Here’s an incredible fact: Since the "cut down on fat”
food craze began roughly 30 years ago, the obesity rate
in American has more than doubled. Of course, many other factors
are at play in fueling this health crisis, but what many people
don’t realize is that “fat-free” does not mean low in calories.
In fact, to make up for lack of flavor, manufacturers tend
to add more sugar, flour and thickeners to fat-free products,
which boosts calorie content. The fats in these foods are replaced
with low-performing white carbs that digest quickly
and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.
This causes the classic sugar high and crash followed by a
hunger rebound. Lastly, studies show that people often view a
low-fat label as a green light to eat much more than they normally
would, unaware that low-fat versions of foods are usually not
much lower in calories than the regular versions.
Break the Habit
Stay away from deceptively low-fat packaged foods like
cookies and chips. Only choose low-fat food items that are not
highly processed,such as low-fat dairy products including milk,
cheese and yogurt.
4. You Eat With Others
Studies show that whenever you eat with other people,
you lose track of how much you’re eating.
For instance, if you eat with just one other person,
you’re likely to eat about 35% more than you normally would.
When you eat with four people, your consumption rate
jumps to 75% more.
And when eating with a group of seven or more, you eat
about 96% more than if you were eating alone.
Important food for thought: The average person eats out with
a group about three times a week. This means that if you’re
not cautious you can consume 72,000 extra calories over the ,
course of a year which translates into about 20 pounds
of weight gain.
Break the Habit
Don't give up on your social life! Eating with others
is not only part of life, but also has positive effects
on your overall well-being. But remember: The healthy part
revolves around the company, not the food.
To avoid mindless overeating:
Be mindful and don’t pace yourself with the fastest eater at the table.
Instead, pace yourself with the slowest eater.
Also, try to be the last person to start eating.
Make arrangements to do other things with friends and family
besides just eat. If your plans do involve eating, make sure
to also include a physical activity like a walk afterward.
3. You Meal Multitask
Meal multitasking means doing other things while you’re eating,
such as: watching TV, reading, working at the computer
or driving while eating (which is also dangerous).
These habits take the focus off the food and make you more likely
to overeat without realizing it.
Break the Habit
First, power down or move away from the distraction.
Find a place away from your desk or TV that is peaceful and free
of anything that may take your focus away from your food.
These days many busy folks can’t find 30 minutes to sit down
and focus on a meal. However, 15 minutes is doable and better for you
than eating in a distracted state for 30 minutes.
2. You Eat Straight Out of the Package
Bag-to-mouth eating is a recipe for disaster since it’s impossible
to gauge serving sizes this way. When you’re grabbing out
of a seemingly bottomless pit, you’re likely to underestimate
how much food you’ve actually eaten.
Break the Habit
Look before it’s too late. That means plate it and then eat it.
Pre-packaged snacks provide a visual cue that we’re finished.
While 100-calorie snack packs are a good idea here,
there are more affordable ways to control your eating.
Buy your favorite snack in bulk, measure out the appropriate serving,
and pack it up in plastic baggies to save money and calories.
1. The First Habit Making You Fat: You Use Artificial Sweeteners.
The average American consumes 24 pounds of artificial sweeteners
each year, a habit that could actually be making you heavier.
Studies show how these substances may confuse the body’s regulatory
systems that control hunger. Whenever you eat, your body is trained
to expect calories, but it’s not getting them when you eat
zero-calorie sweeteners. You end up craving more food
and not feeling full. What’s more, artificial sweeteners are up to 7000
times sweeter than natural sugars and this can desensitize taste buds.
Beyond the commonly used serving packets, artificial sweeteners
are often hidden in everyday items not advertised as diet foods
such as cereal, vitamins, sauces and even baby food.
Look for these key words on food labels to spot artificial substitutes:
Neotame (used in stable baked goods)
Acesulfame (found in diet sodas)
Break the Habit
Consume no more than two servings (two packets or one diet soda)
of artificial sweeteners per day.
Try combining a half a teaspoon of your preferred artificial sweetener
with a teaspoon of raw sugar. Then eventually wean yourself
off the artificial sweetener.
Choose natural alternatives such as honey or agave.
Or try coconut sap syrup, which has a low-glycemic index
and just 10 calories per teaspoon. It also contains B vitamins,
potassium and amino acids. Because these are all quite sweet tasting,
you’ll find you don’t need to use much of them.
Having healthy eating means you look better, feel better
and live long and this is actual spirit of life.
Everyone thinks to live a better life commonly and it depends
on healthy eating to great extent. If you are a careless person
about your eating, you need to have an eye on some great benefits
that occur as a result of healthy eating.
Some of great benefits of healthy eating are:
Healthy eating will be very useful for you regarding
your weight control and you will not overweight or underweight
having healthy diet daily.
Better physical and mental growth.
Healthy eating keeps you pretty and make you enjoy your life.
Control metabolism of your body.
Healthy eating also influences your mood and temperament.
Energy level is increased having healthy diet.
You get all the nutrition that your body requires to better work.
Taking healthy diet will make you put your body in physical
and mental activities like sports and IQ tests.
It is better to say that healthy diet is necessary to live
an enjoyable life from all aspects.

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